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DBLP keys2009
70Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLPeng Dai, Judy Goldsmith: Finding Best k Policies. ADT 2009: 144-155
69Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGábor Erdélyi, Henning Fernau, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Daniel Raible, Jörg Rothe: The Complexity of Probabilistic Lobbying. ADT 2009: 86-97
68Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJohn Mark Agosta, Russell Almond, Dennis M. Buede, Marek J. Druzdzel, Judy Goldsmith, Silja Renooij: Workshop summary: Seventh annual workshop on Bayes applications. ICML 2009: 163
67Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGábor Erdélyi, Henning Fernau, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Daniel Raible, Jörg Rothe: The Complexity of Probabilistic Lobbying CoRR abs/0906.4431: (2009)
66Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAlex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Beth Goldstein, Krol Kevin Mathias, Cynthia Isenhour: Planning for success: The interdisciplinary approach to building Bayesian models. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 50(3): 416-428 (2009)
65Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLPeng Dai, Alexander L. Strehl, Judy Goldsmith: Expediting RL by using graphical structures. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1325-1328
64Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLDavid Krieg, Patricia Jacovino, Judy Goldsmith, Beth Goldstein: A bottom-up approach to welfare case management decision support software. DG.O 2008: 397-398
63no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLiangrong Yi, Raphael A. Finkel, Judy Goldsmith: Planning for Welfare to Work. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 696-701
62Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Matthias Hagen, Martin Mundhenk: Complexity of DNF minimization and isomorphism testing for monotone formulas. Inf. Comput. 206(6): 760-775 (2008)
61Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Jérôme Lang, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Nic Wilson: The Computational Complexity of Dominance and Consistency in CP-Nets. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 33: 403-432 (2008)
60no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKathryn B. Laskey, Suzanne M. Mahoney, Judy Goldsmith: Proceedings of the Fifth UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (UAI-AW 2007), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 19, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
59Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLiangrong Yi, Judy Goldsmith: Automatic Generation of Four-part Harmony. BMA 2007
58no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLPeng Dai, Judy Goldsmith: Multi-Threaded BLAO* Algorithm. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 56-61
57Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLPeng Dai, Judy Goldsmith: Topological Value Iteration Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes. IJCAI 2007: 1860-1865
56Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: Competition Adds Complexity. NIPS 2007
55no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKrol Kevin Mathias, Casey Lengacher, Derek Williams, Austin Cornett, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith: Factored MDP Elicitation and Plan Display. AAAI 2006
54Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Jérôme Lang, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Nic Wilson: The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets. IJCAI 2005: 144-149
53Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Matthias Hagen, Martin Mundhenk: Complexity of DNF and Isomorphism of Monotone Formulas. MFCS 2005: 410-421
52Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLWenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith: A Framework for Management of Semistructured Probabilistic Data. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 25(3): 293-332 (2005)
51Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan: New Horn Revision Algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 1919-1938 (2005)
50Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: New Revision Algorithms. ALT 2004: 395-409
49Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith: Preferences and Domination. Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity 2004
48Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Theory revision with queries: Horn, read-once, and parity formulas. Artif. Intell. 156(2): 139-176 (2004)
47no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLWenzhong Zhao, Jiangyu Li, Erik Jessup, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith: Building Bayes Nets with Semistructured Probabilistic DBMS. EMISA Forum 24(1): 28-29 (2004)
46Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLWenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith: Databases for interval probabilities. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(9): 789-815 (2004)
45Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLWenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith: Query Algebra Operations for Interval Probabilities. DEXA 2003: 527-536
44no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Alex Dekhtyar, Wenzhong Zhao: Can Probabilistic Databases Help Elect Qualified Officials? FLAIRS Conference 2003: 501-505
43no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLVenkata Deepti Kiran Bhuma, Judy Goldsmith: Bidirectional LAO* algorithm. IICAI 2003: 980-992
42no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJignesh Doshi, Judy Goldsmith: Revising Unique Explanations. MAICS 2003: 24-30
41Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Theory Revision with Queries: Horn, Read-once, and Parity Formulas Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(039): (2003)
40Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAlex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Janice L. Pearce: When Plans Distinguish Bayes Nets. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11(Supplement-2): 1-24 (2003)
39no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Theory Revision with Queries: DNF Formulas. Machine Learning 47(2-3): 257-295 (2002)
38no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAlex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Sean R. Hawkes: Semistructured Probalistic Databases. SSDBM 2001: 36-45
37Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristopher Lusena, Judy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: Nonapproximability Results for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 14: 83-103 (2001)
36no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan: The Complexity of Model Aggregation. AIPS 2000: 122-129
35no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Improved Algorithms for Theory Revision with Queries. COLT 2000: 236-247
34Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan: More theory revision with queries (extended abstract). STOC 2000: 441-448
33no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Mitsunori Ogihara, Jörg Rothe: Tally NP Sets and Easy Census Functions. Inf. Comput. 158(1): 29-52 (2000)
32Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMartin Mundhenk, Judy Goldsmith, Christopher Lusena, Eric Allender: Complexity of finite-horizon Markov decision process problems. J. ACM 47(4): 681-720 (2000)
31Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith: Book review: Theory of Computing: A Gentle Introduction by Kinber and Smith (Prentice-Hall, 2001). SIGACT News 31(3): 19-22 (2000)
30no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristopher Lusena, Judy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: Nonapproximability Results for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 00-12: (2000)
29Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristopher Lusena, Tong Li, Shelia Sittinger, Chris Wells, Judy Goldsmith: My Brain is Full: When More Memory Helps. UAI 1999: 374-381
28Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJohn V. Franco, Judy Goldsmith, John S. Schlipf, Ewald Speckenmeyer, Ramjee P. Swaminathan: An Algorithm for the Class of Pure Implicational Formulas. Discrete Applied Mathematics 96-97: 89-106 (1999)
27no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMartin Mundhenk, Judy Goldsmith, Christopher Lusena, Eric Allender: Complexity of Finite-Horizon Markov Decision process Problems. Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 99-25: (1999)
26Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: Complexity Issues in Markov Decision Processes. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1998: 272-280
25Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Mitsunori Ogihara, Jörg Rothe: Tally NP Sets and Easy Census Functions. MFCS 1998: 483-492
24Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMichael L. Littman, Judy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: The Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Planning CoRR cs.AI/9808101: (1998)
23Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Mitsunori Ogihara, Jörg Rothe: Tally NP Sets and Easy Census Functions CoRR cs.CC/9809002: (1998)
22Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMichael L. Littman, Judy Goldsmith, Martin Mundhenk: The Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Planning. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 9: 1-36 (1998)
21Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLRichard Beigel, Judy Goldsmith: Downward Separation Fails Catastrophically for Limited Nondeterminism Classes. SIAM J. Comput. 27(5): 1420-1429 (1998)
20no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLance Fortnow, Judy Goldsmith, Matthew A. Levy, Stephen R. Mahaney: L-Printable Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 28(1): 137-151 (1998)
19no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLStephen A. Bloch, Jonathan F. Buss, Judy Goldsmith: Sharply Bounded Alternation and Quasilinear Time. Theory Comput. Syst. 31(2): 187-214 (1998)
18Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMartin Mundhenk, Judy Goldsmith, Eric Allender: The Complexity of Policy Evaluation for Finite-Horizon Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes. MFCS 1997: 129-138
17Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Michael L. Littman, Martin Mundhenk: The Complexity of Plan Existence and Evaluation in Probabilistic Domains. UAI 1997: 182-189
16Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLance Fortnow, Judy Goldsmith, Stephen R. Mahaney: L-Printable Sets. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1996: 97-106
15Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLStephen A. Bloch, Jonathan F. Buss, Judy Goldsmith: Sharply Bounded Alternation within P Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(11): (1996)
14Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Steven Homer: Scalability and the Isomorphism Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 57(3): 137-143 (1996)
13Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Matthew A. Levy, Martin Mundhenk: Limited nondeterminism. SIGACT News 27(2): 20-29 (1996)
12Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLEric Allender, Joan Feigenbaum, Judy Goldsmith, Toniann Pitassi, Steven Rudich: The future of computational complexity theory: part II. SIGACT News 27(4): 3-7 (1996)
11no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLRichard Beigel, Judy Goldsmith: Downward separation fails catastrophically for limited nondeterminism classes. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1994: 134-138
10Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLStephen A. Bloch, Jonathan F. Buss, Judy Goldsmith: How hard are n2-hard problems? SIGACT News 25(2): 83-85 (1994)
9no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Deborah Joseph: Relativized Isomorphisms of NP-Complete Sets. Computational Complexity 3: 186-205 (1993)
8no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Deborah Joseph, Paul Young: Using Self-Reducibilities to Characterize Polynomial Time Inf. Comput. 104(2): 288-308 (1993)
7no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Deborah Joseph, Paul Young: A Note on Bi-immunity and p-Closeness of p-Cheatable Sets in P/Poy. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 46(3): 349-362 (1993)
6no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJonathan F. Buss, Judy Goldsmith: Nondeterminism Within P. SIAM J. Comput. 22(3): 560-572 (1993)
5no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Lane A. Hemachandra, Kenneth Kunen: Polynomial-Time Compression. Computational Complexity 2: 18-39 (1992)
4Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Lane A. Hemachandra, Kenneth Kunen: On the Structure and Complexity of Infinite Sets with Minimal Perfect Hash Functions. FSTTCS 1991: 212-223
3Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJonathan F. Buss, Judy Goldsmith: Nondterminism Within P. STACS 1991: 348-359
2no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Lane A. Hemachandra, Deborah Joseph, Paul Young: Near-Testable Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 20(3): 506-523 (1991)
1no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJudy Goldsmith, Deborah Joseph: Three Results on the Polynomial Isomorphism of Complete Sets FOCS 1986: 390-397

Coauthor Index

1John Mark Agosta [68]
2Eric Allender [12] [18] [27] [32]
3Russell Almond [68]
4Richard Beigel [11] [21]
5Venkata Deepti Kiran Bhuma [43]
6Stephen A. Bloch [10] [15] [19]
7Dennis M. Buede [68]
8Jonathan F. Buss [3] [6] [10] [15] [19]
9Austin Cornett [55]
10Peng Dai [57] [58] [65] [70]
11Alex Dekhtyar [38] [40] [44] [45] [46] [47] [52] [55] [66]
12Jignesh Doshi [42]
13Marek J. Druzdzel [68]
14Gábor Erdélyi [67] [69]
15Joan Feigenbaum [12]
16Henning Fernau [67] [69]
17Raphael A. Finkel [63]
18Lance Fortnow [16] [20]
19John V. Franco [28]
20Beth Goldstein [64] [66]
21Matthias Hagen [53] [62]
22Sean R. Hawkes [38]
23Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Lane A. Hemachandra) [2] [4] [5]
24Steven Homer [14]
25Cynthia Isenhour [66]
26Patricia Jacovino [64]
27Erik Jessup [47]
28Deborah Joseph [1] [2] [7] [8] [9]
29David Krieg [64]
30Kenneth Kunen [4] [5]
31Jérôme Lang [54] [61]
32Kathryn B. Laskey [60]
33Casey Lengacher [55]
34Matthew A. Levy [13] [20]
35Jiangyu Li [47]
36Tong Li [29]
37Michael L. Littman [17] [22] [24]
38Christopher Lusena [27] [29] [30] [32] [37]
39Stephen R. Mahaney [16] [20]
40Suzanne M. Mahoney [60]
41Krol Kevin Mathias [55] [66]
42Nicholas Mattei [67] [69]
43Martin Mundhenk [13] [17] [18] [22] [24] [26] [27] [30] [32] [37] [53] [56] [62]
44Mitsunori Ogihara (Mitsunori Ogiwara) [23] [25] [33]
45Janice L. Pearce [40]
46Toniann Pitassi [12]
47Daniel Raible [67] [69]
48Silja Renooij [68]
49Jörg Rothe [23] [25] [33] [67] [69]
50Steven Rudich [12]
51John S. Schlipf [28]
52Shelia Sittinger [29]
53Robert H. Sloan [34] [35] [36] [39] [41] [48] [50] [51]
54Ewald Speckenmeyer [28]
55Alexander L. Strehl [65]
56Ramjee P. Swaminathan [28]
57Balázs Szörényi [35] [41] [48] [50]
58Miroslaw Truszczynski [54] [61]
59György Turán [35] [39] [41] [48] [50]
60Chris Wells [29]
61Derek Williams [55]
62Nic Wilson [54] [61]
63Liangrong Yi [59] [63]
64Paul Young [2] [7] [8]
65Wenzhong Zhao [44] [45] [46] [47] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun Mar 14 22:39:24 2010 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)