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Rethinking Data Management Systems for Disaggregated Data Centers
Qizhen Zhang, Yifan Cai, Sebastian Angel, Ang Chen, Vincent Liu, Boon Thau Loo
The NebulaStream Platform: Data and Application Management for the Internet of Things
Steffen Zeuch, Ankit Chaudhary, Dimitrios Giouroukis, Philipp M Grulich, Sebastian Breß, Jonas Traub, Volker Markl
Cloudy with High Chance of DBMS: A 10-year Prediction for Enterprise-Grade ML
Ashvin Agrawal, Rony Chatterjee, Carlo Curino, Avrilia Floratou, Neha Gowdal, Matteo Interlandi, Alekh Jindal, Konstantinos Karanasos, Subru Krishnan, Brian Kroth, Jyoti Leeka, Kwanghyun Park, Hiren Patel, Olga Poppe, Fotis Psallidas, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Abhishek Roy, Karla Saur, Rathijit Sen, Markus Weimer, Travis Wright, Yiwen Zhu
Constructing Expressive Relational Queries with Dual-Specification Synthesis
Christopher Baik, Zhongjun Jin, Michael Cafarella, H V Jagadish
VisualWorldDB: A DBMS for the Visual World
Brandon Haynes, Maureen Daum, Amrita Mazumdar, Magdalena Balazinska, Alvin Cheung, Luis Ceze
Your notebook is not crumby enough, REPLace it
Michael Brachmann, William Spoth, Oliver Kennedy, Boris Glavic, Heiko Mueller, Sonia Castelo, Carlos Bautista, Juliana Freire
GPU-accelerated data management under the test of time
Aunn Raza, Periklis Chrysogelos, Panagiotis Sioulas, Vladimir Indjic, Angelos Christos Anadiotis, Anastasia Ailamaki
Enabling Rich Queries Over Heterogeneous Data From Diverse Sources In HealthCare
Abdul Quamar, Jannik Straube, Yuanyuan Tian
View-Driven Optimization of Database-Backed Web Applications
Cong Yan, Alvin Cheung, Junwen Yang, Shan Lu
SystemDS: A Declarative Machine Learning System for the End-to-End Data Science Lifecycle
Matthias Boehm, Iulian Antonov, Sebastian Baunsgaard, Mark Dokter, Robert Ginthör, Kevin Innerebner, Florijan Klezin, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Arnab Phani, Benjamin Rath, Berthold Reinwald, Shafaq Siddiqi, Sebastian Benjamin Wrede
Extending Relational Query Processing with ML Inference
Konstantinos Karanasos, Matteo Interlandi, Doris Xin, Fotis Psallidas, Rathijit Sen, Kwanghyun Park, Ivan Popivanov, Supun Nakandal, Subru Krishnan, Markus Weimer, Yuan Yu, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Carlo Curino
Is FPGA Useful for Hash Joins?
Xinyu Chen, Yao Chen, Ronak Bajaj, Jiong He, Bingsheng He, Weng-Fai Wong, Deming Chen
Hardware-Oblivious SIMD Parallelism for In-Memory Column-Stores
Annett Ungethüm, Johannes Pietrzyk, Patrick Damme, Alexander Krause, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner, Erich Focht
Migrating a Privacy-Safe Information Extraction System to a Software 2.0 Design
Ying Sheng, Nguyen Vo, James B Wendt
Overton: A Data System for Monitoring and Improving Machine-Learned Products
Christopher Ré, Feng Niu, Pallavi Gudipati, Charles Srisuwananukorn
Active Reinforcement Learning for Data Preparation: Learn2Clean with Human-In-The-Loop
Laure Berti-Equille
When sweet and cute isn’t enough anymore: Solving scalability issues in Python Pandas with Grizzly
Stefan Hagedorn
Aiming at real applications: Subsequence Outlier Detection on Mixed-Type Attributes Data in RDBMS
Fan Meng