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The NebulaStream Platform: Data and Application Management for the Internet of Things

Steffen Zeuch, Ankit Chaudhary, Dimitrios Giouroukis, Philipp M Grulich, Sebastian Breß, Jonas Traub, Volker Markl

The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a novel computing architecture for data management: a distributed, highly dynamic, and heterogeneous environment of massive scale. Applications for the IoT introduce new challenges for integrating the concepts of fog and cloud computing as well as sensor networks in one unified environment. In this paper, we highlight these major challenges and outline how existing systems handle them. To address these challenges, we introduce the NebulaStream platform, a general purpose, endto-end data management system for the IoT. NebulaStream addresses the heterogeneity and distribution of compute and data, supports diverse data and programming models going beyond relational algebra, deals with potentially unreliable communication, and enables constant evolution under continuous operation. In our evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by providing early results on partial aspects.