VLDB Committees

1. Strategy Committee

The VLDB Strategy Committee was created by the VLDB Endowment in 2018 with the goal of thinking about the future of the VLDB conference, to anticipate opportunities and threats to the VLDB conference and ensure (i) Innovation, that is, develop a framework for VLDB conference innovations, and (ii) Stability, that is, ensure consistency in VLDB conferences across years. It is intended to complement the PVLDB Advisory Committee whose goal is to think about the future of the PVLDB journal.

Committee Chair

  • Divesh Srivastava (AT&T)

Committee Members

  • Magdalena Balazinska (University of Washington, USA)
  • Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Philippe Bonnet (ITU, Denmark)
  • Xin Luna Dong (Meta, USA)
  • Wolfgang Lehner (TU Dresden, Germany)
  • Felix Naumann (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
  • Pinar Tözün (ITU, Denmark)
  • Xiao Xiaokui (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Previous Committee Members

  • Anhai Doan (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)
  • Wang-Chiew Tan (Facebook, USA)

2. Sponsorship Committee

Committee Chairs

  • Anand Deshpand (Angadi Institute of Technology and Management)
  • Sharad Mehrotra (Univ. of California, Irvine)

Committee Members

VLDB sponsors
  • Aaron Elmore, ( University of Chicago)
  • Ahmed Eldawy, (UCR)
  • Mohammad Sadoghi, (UC Davis)
  • Li Xiong, (Emory)
  • Natacha Crookes (Berkeley)
  • Azudeh Abufazl (UI, Chicago)
  • Manos Athanassoulis (Boston U)
  • Senjuti Basu Roy (NJIT)
  • Mohamed Sarwat (ASU)
  • Florin Rusu (UC Merced)
  • Sanjay Krishnan (Chicago)
  • Lidan Shou (Zhejiang Univ. Hangzhou)
  • Saurav Bhowmick (NTU)
Sponsorship Strategy Group
  • Anand Deshpande (Angadi Institute of Technology and Management)
  • Sharad Mehrotra (Univ. of California, Irvine)
  • Philippe Bonnet (IT University of Copenhagen)
  • Mohamed Mokbel (University of Minnesota)
  • Fatma Ozcan (Google Cloud Data Analytics)
  • Kasim Selcuk Candan (Arizona State University)
  • Mike Carey (University of California, Irvine)

3. SPEND Committee

Committee Chair

  • Philippe Bonnet (IT University of Copenhagen)

Committee Members

  • Naumann, Felix (Hasso Plattner Institute)
  • Anand Deshpande (Angadi Institute of Technology and Management)

4. Information Management Committee

5. Awards Committee

6. PVLDB Advisory Committee

Managing Editor

  • Wolfgang Lehner (TUD Dresden University of Technology & AAU Aalborg University)

Regular Members

  • Vanessa Braganholo (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
  • Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Torsten Grust (University of Tuebingen)
  • Xin Luna Dong (Meta)
  • Fatma Ozcan (Google)
  • Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of S&T)
  • Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs-Research)
  • Jun Yang (Duke University)
  • Felix Naumann (HPI)
  • Alexandra Meliou (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Ad-hoc Members

  • Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • Nesime Tatbul (Intel Labs and MIT)
  • Themis Palpanas (Universite Paris Cite)