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Towards Functional Decomposition of Storage Formats

Martin Prammer, Xinyu Zeng, Ruijun Meng, Wes McKinney, Huanchen Zhang, Andrew Pavlo, Jignesh M Patel

The rise of data lakes containing mostly semi-structured and unstructured data has changed how traditional data platforms interact with collections of stand-alone files. Horizontally partitioned arrays are a fundamental construction in these columnar-like file formats, such as those partitioned into a column-chunk, row-group hierarchy (e.g., Parquet, ORC). Compressing each horizontal partition results in storage savings. Simultaneously, row-skipping metadata is a popular, lightweight indexing technique for accelerating columnar scans. Thus, existing storage-layer partitions are also used for general-purpose search acceleration. However, no single horizontal partition size optimizes both compressibility and row-skippingdriven scan performance. Instead of settling for a suboptimal configuration, we return to the age-old wisdom of physical data independence: data should be kept separate from indexing structures. We propose splitting the current status quo into a “storage layer” and a “search acceleration layer” (SAL). By splitting these layers, row-skipping metadata is no longer stuck using the same partition sizes as compression blocks, allowing for fine-grained tuning of the SAL. In this paper, we explore the impact of such a split; not only do we find that search acceleration metadata is regularly optimal at small partition sizes (10-100), but also that optimal sizing depends on the metadata type, underlying data, and applied query. By separating the storage layer and SAL, we enable each to evolve independently, allowing for greater flexibility as datasets and application needs evolve.