Two is Better Than One: The Case for 2-Tree for Skewed Data Sets
Real-world data sets almost always exhibit skew, i.e., a majority of the accesses go to a minority of the records. Obviously, Smith and Brown are more popular names than Stonebraker and Graefe. Traditional block-oriented index structures such as B-trees are suboptimal for skewed data because an index block often has a small number of hot records and a larger number of cold ones. This results in poor main memory utilization and increased cost. To alleviate this problem, we propose a 2-Tree architecture, where hot index records are in one tree and cold ones are in a second tree. Hot tree blocks are frequently accessed and likely to remain in main memory, resulting in improved main memory utilization. Our core idea is to employ a lightweight general migration protocol to move records between trees in both directions when appropriate and to maintain access statistics at low cost. In addition, the two trees can be configured separately for hardware differences. One tree can be optimized for main memory while the second exploits secondary storage. Obviously, the 2-Tree idea can also be generalized to multiple storage levels and/or devices. We show how the 2-Tree idea and record migration can be applied to both B+trees and LSM-trees to improve their memory utilization significantly (by 15× and 20× respectively) on a highly skewed workload. We also observed up to 1.7× throughput improvement on a Zipfian-skewed IO-bound workload compared to traditional single B+tree or LSM-tree using the same amount of main memory. Unlike existing solutions for improving memory utilization at the cost of inferior range scan performance, 2-Tree refuses to make such a compromise.