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White-Box OLAP Performance Modeling for the Cloud
Public cloud providers offer hundreds of heterogeneous hardware instances. For cloud-based analytical query processing systems, this presents a major challenge: depending on the hardware configuration chosen, performance and cost may differ by orders of magnitude. We explore this relationship by building a white-box model that takes the workload, hardware, and cost into account to determine the optimal instance configuration. We argue that such an approach can guide the evolution of cloud-native OLAP systems.
author = {Maximilian Kuschewski and
Viktor Leis},
title = {White-Box OLAP Performance Modeling for the Cloud},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, CIDR 2021},
publisher = {},
year = {2021},
series = {CIDR 2021},
url = {},
location = {Virtual Event}